Friday, May 21, 2010

Workshop cloths

This is the first woven cloth I made for Jude's cloth to cloth workshop.  It's made out of dear old scraps from various projects.  Some hand dyed silk.  No quilting yet.   It's nice to handle...very light

This one has lots of flannel in it so it's a bit heavier.  What fun it is to make them. Each is 12" square just about.

I can't resist adding this photo.  Very slowly and carefully the old department of Public Health building is being torn down.  They spray it with enormous quantities of water, I suppose to keep the dust down.  This project has been going on for months.  This was yesterday's view which I found beautiful.  More lovely than the building itself ever was.


  1. look at that photo! definitely more lovely than the building itself....

  2. ok!!!! in the previous post...
    i now SEE some. this piece is richly textured.

    and thank you for the larger Cloth to Cloth
    pieces....i like very much the disjointed
    barbed wire, seeming to become more earth
    i really like both these weavings a lot

  3. Your weavings are just wonderful! And I have always loved the sight of an old farmhouse in the country, the kind where the roof is so dilapidated that it looks like an upside down loosely-woven basket. I have never really understood why something in this state of disrepair seems so beautiful to me. And no matter how beautiful spring is, it is autumn that I long for! xo Kari

  4. Kari, one of the best parts of this fabric weaving is it offers a direct route to the feelings one wants and needs to express. There can be a wildness in the creation...and then a settling into the quilting part...Jude's phrase "needle chanting" is so apt. It's all good for the spirit. I love your image of the upside down basket. I've been reading a little about how the pioneers constructed their clothing and dwellings...making do with what was available; working this way seems a chance to pay homage to that. Past, present and future all together.

  5. I love your weavings, it's a lot of fun to do this workshop, isn''t it?
    The skelleton of the building reminds me of fabric weaving...

  6. Love the fabric weaving! Great colors and fabrics and cool picture of the building...a grid weaving! : )

  7. Sandra, that is what I think every time I pass this building too. I love the class so much...

  8. there is a bee in my post today....

  9. :) :) from a grateful busy bee! :) :)

  10. you have a good eye finding that building grid, another example of woven hard and soft...k.

  11. Your woven fabrics are wonderful! And I really like how you see the partially demolished building, too. Sometimes there is beauty in the most unlikely places, isn't there?
    I'll definitely be back!

  12. love the woven blues with a few black strips...
