Thursday, June 4, 2015

The very small book

I've been making small embroidered pieces. Suddenly they became a story!  This is a picture of them all, but not in proper story order:
The story is about an old donkey, and the book will be 16 pages long...all of which will be printed on both sides of one sheet of paper. Each page has a bit of text plus a photo of one of the embroideries. Because I spent years and years exploring photoshop, I put some of those skills to work on this Very Small Book. It has taken quite awhile to figure out how to do this, but we're getting close!  More will be revealed soon. 

Meanwhile, my wonderful tea towel collection has expanded:
On the left a bold plaid by Susan Harvey, and on the right are 2 variations on a pattern by Jean Betts.  I love using hand woven cloths in my kitchen. 

And here is Miss Gilly, showcasing her lovely snout!
And that's all for now, but I will be back soon.  xo, s.


  1. love the idea of your book, can't wait to see how you put it all together.

  2. Hi Jean, have to finish soon as grandsons' birthdays are coming right up, and I promised! Off now to work on the cover...

  3. That will be a lovely book with your own embroidery in it as illustration !

    Hmmmm love the look of Ms Gilly ;-)

    1. Hi Els, this has been a project of long duration! Just printed up the first two for the grandsons!

      Gilly is so photogenic sometimes, but she doesn't always like that sort of attention...she would often rather nuzzle or play tug...

  4. These are wonderful, what a sweet book they will make!

    1. It is almost done! Actually, the first two are printed, for the grandboys...what a process it's been. Glad you stopped by!

  5. can't wait to see the book! and 'wow' to those hand woven tea towels

  6. Hi Saskia, it's almost ready, but I think I'll always want to be making changes...have to stop somewhere.

    Handwoven fabric is so grounding somehow...
