Monday, December 31, 2012

On the seventh day...

Dear Readers...thank you so much for your visits this year...I hope you will ease peacefully and kindly from 2012 into 2013.  The peaceable lion,
Gilly, Molly (the dove), and I send you greetings of hope and love.

Here is Gilly licking the platter of 2012 clean...

Tomorrow, in just a few moments, she will officially be ONE year old! And I'll go play Auld Lang Syne on my fiddle to the sleeping neighborhood.  A secret gift.

xoxo, S.


  1. I am awake very late and glad of it since now I can be one of the first to wish Gilly a very HAPPY ***one year birthday***! And you, Suzanna, may I wish you a new year filled with all the makings of your heart's desire.

  2. and what a wonderful year travelling along with you here on mostly threads, suzanna! thank you so much for sharing your journey with us!

  3. Oh I wish I could hear you! Happy New Year to you and Gilly!

  4. Dear Suzanna, happy new year .... sorry I missed your fiddle !!!
    (haven't played mine for ages !)

  5. i thought i heard's been a great year.
