Sunday, December 19, 2010

Peace now

I see 2011 coming.  I see it through the forest of days between now and then and I wish everyone peace and comfort as we all wander through that forest.  Tomorrow I embark on a trek to see loved ones...Agnes will have a visit at the farm while I travel. We (not including Agnes, who had doggy treats) indulged in the annual glory of:

And this is one of the Christmas projects I've been working on.  I'm thinking of it as a trivet.  Several more need to be accomplished on the trek.
Happy holidays to all!


  1. hi Suzanna, this year is very pressed and pressing - not a feeling I like, but dropping in here cheers me up. How are the bees going - I was very taken with them?

  2. Hi Elizabeth...the bees are coming along better than I'd have expected...I'm going to work more on them and by the new year will have something to show. I hope the pressure you're under will ease up always does eventually, but meanwhile I send you peaceful thoughts and prayers.

  3. Thanks Deb, they sure are coming up fast now.

  4. Merry Chirstmas and happy new year to you Suzanna! These cookies are very beautiful! I love your christmas project, is it made of felt?

  5. Hi Suzanna! I love that trivet. Is that needle felting? That is soooo beautiful. The colors have a fuzzy softness that is really appealing. I did not realize that felting could be used to paint a picture rather than just make a 3-dimensional object. This gives me a whole new perspective! I finally got a new post on my blog, just in time for the end of the year. I look forward to doing a better job of blogging in the coming year. Have a blessed holiday and I so look forward to "seeing" you next year!! xo Kari

  6. P.S. I LOVE your image of seeing 2011 "through the forest of days between now and then." So beautiful!! xoxo Kari

  7. my mouth is watering just seeing those tasty looking delights! think i'm going to have to raid mom's kitchen and make some tasty morsels today myself!

    the trivet is adorable, to! i've always loved needlefelting but just can't seem to find enough time to do everything i love...

  8. ohhhhh, are you home yet? i think of you
    in that travel tangle...

  9. Hi Grace! I'm home...just about to post a new post...
