Sunday, June 21, 2020

Day 3

Hello everyone!  Today's offering is from our walks around the neighborhood.  The garden colors are so vivid this year, due to the late rains and probably the decrease in vehicle traffic.  Now that we are slowly "opening", the traffic has increased, but the colors are still intense.  So here is the Jacaranda tree and you can see how it sheds a purple carpet around itself.  

The other day I saw an odd shape on the ground.  It looked like a crab and then when I looked up into the tree I saw another hanging off a branch; it looks like each clump of flowers produces one of these pods:
It's about 2" long and quite hard.

Then today,  walking in the opposite direction, I found another pod that was slightly open.  And inside were:
what look like teeth, but I think they are what hold the seeds in until the pod opens and casts the seeds about.  I am missing part of the process here and have to be more vigilant to discover an unopened pod.  Or perhaps some seeds.  I would like to grow a jacaranda tree.  But in the meantime I am working on fixing my little shop up so as to offer some home-made items to you all.  There is an abundance of them here in my studio, which I will show you, but right now it's time for dinner and a walk to the post-office with the dogs.  Alice is visiting!
It should be noted, although you've probably figured it out, that I was the only one enthusiastic about this photo.  The girls are working things out and there was a bit of growling.  Well, that's all for now, off we go...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Day 2 of return

Hello again!  Yesterday a neighbor told me about a new trail that had opened beside the bay.  It goes behind our racetrack and presents this view:

That's the Golden Gate Bridge way off in the distance.  Sometimes during the isolation of this pandemic I fall into thinking I need to go somewhere else, but no more.  It is easy to get to this trail, and there are beautiful benches just made for gazing and knitting.  Water lapping on the shore eases my agitations like nothing else and I am Grateful.

So, I've been inspired by an Australian ceramicist to experiment with porcelain.  I rented some space at my neighborhood gallery to make little porcelain shards.  The owner of the gallery, Robert Abrams, helped me get started and fired the pieces for me.  Due to the lockdown I'm back in my own studio now.  Here is one of the critters I made.  It is kind of a shelter in place self-portrait.

That's all for safe.  With love ~~ s.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

a return of sorts

Hello everyone!  I've been gone for quite a while and perhaps I'm back, but am not sure yet.  This is certainly a profoundly unsettling time that we're living through and I hope all of you are doing ok.  I will not even try to catch you up on my activities except maybe bit by bit.  
First I will have to remember how to do all this!  My first photo is called Little Fuzzy; it's a refridgerator magnet.  One of many that I'm considering putting in my shop, once I remember how. Perhaps!

That's all for now.  Love to you all. ~~ Suzanna

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

One more (December/January)

Hello everyone!  Well, here is the final watercolor plus haiku offering for my 6 month Mending and Healing Project!  What an experience this has been.  Please see the previous posts for an explanation of the project; I am sure there will be more to say on the subject, but in the meantime, thank you so much for bearing with me!

Ponder the effect
of your own healing.  It might
just be contagious.

Oh yes, my favorite holiday is coming up! February 2...Groundhog Day!  Day of the mysterious shadow(s). xoxo, s.

words and images ©SuzannaKlein2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Three for December. #4 coming soon.

Hello everyone, and I hope your new year has started out in a positive direction!  Somehow, despite taking every precaution possible I have succumbed to whatever flu or cold is making its way through the population.  It is so important to take good care; relapses occur and it is just no fun.  So I have only managed three offerings for the December Mending and Healing Project (please see earlier posts for an explanation of the project), and here they are:

A new perspective
might arise from entering
uncharted regions.

My mind is confused
by the oddness of recent

Today's beginning
involves a peaceful warming.
Not thinking too much.

So that's all for now.  The fourth offering will come soon.  Please take care!  xoxo, s.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Four for November

Hello everyone!  I hope you had a ...(fill in some kind of hopefully positive adjective) November.  I am still riding out the end of my cold which is a cough, but it's getting better as long as the stressors can be calmed.  Here are the four images plus haiku for November.  The first one is from earlier in the project.

They try learning
to speak with civility and
respect.  A big task.

Sailing in the light
trail of a full moon woke me
up quite happily.

Today a surprise
arrived. No one yet knows what 
to think, exactly.

The song continues;
day breaks and the moon ripens.
Pay attention now.

These images represent the fifth offering in a 6 month commitment I've made to donate 50% of the proceeds of my artwork to the ACLU of Northern California with a focus on giving assistance to immigrant communities.  A 5" x 7" print of each of these original watercolors is available
for $20.  (postage is minimal, but extra)
If you are interested in participating, please contact me through my email address (click on "complete profile" in the sidebar under "about me".  Then click on "email" under "contact".)  This will all be a little easier once I have my new website in the new year.  If you have trouble reaching me, please let me know in a comment.
Thank you, dear readers.  Have a good December. xoxo, s. 
words and images ©suzannaklein 2017

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Four for October

Hello everyone!  October was a challenging month and at the end of it a very nasty cold came along, but here are the four images, plus haiku; at the onset I thought they would all be drawn from my train trip, but other realities cropped up.  The theme remains the same...mending and healing. 

The next workshop
will be "what to do about
all this erosion."

There is the egret
wading in the cool waters;
a respite from fire.

Her heart is broken
and her boxing gloves are on.
Be kind.  Let her be.

Who is going to
teach us to use words better?
I nominate: birds.

These images represent the fourth offering in a 6 month commitment I've made to donate 50% of the proceeds of my artwork to the ACLU of Northern California with a focus on giving assistance to immigrant communities.  A 5" x 7" print of each of these original watercolors is available
for $20.  (postage is minimal, but extra)
If you are interested in participating, please contact me through my email address (click on "complete profile" in the sidebar under "about me".  Then click on "email" under "contact".)  This will all be a little easier once I have my new website.  If you have trouble reaching me, please let me know in a comment.
Thank you, dear readers.  Have a good November. xoxo, s. 

words and images ©suzannaklein 2017