Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pink Ladies and the off duty nurse

My garden is having one of its colorful phases and here is a small bit of it.  These ladies need very little water...they are blooming  in unwatered areas everywhere  right now.  They seem to come out of nowhere but actually they have lush green leaves in the can see the residue of the leaves underneath (the stringy white things).  I like to leave it there as a historical reminder.  Last year there were only four or five ladies in this spot but now they have formed quite a congregation.
And here is the progress report on the Off Duty Nurse...she is not complete yet, but she's getting there, wherever that will be.  Jude's class will end on Sunday, has been the best.


  1. suzanna....your nurses. oh....
    they have me mesmerized.
    and yesterday, i was in the BIG city of
    Albuquerque and go the Quilting Arts, a first
    for me, and in it
    YOUR BEE! in jude's article....i squealed,
    it's Suzanna's BEEEEEEE!!!!!! to my daughter
    we studied it closely and felt so proud.

  2. !!!Thank you Grace...I wish I had been there! It is very exciting to me that my little bee has traveled SO far...gratitude like pollen...bringing life together...

  3. Love this quirky off duty nurse of yours...such fun in Jude's classes...great to see what everyone is creating. Your nurses are fantastic!
    Sad that the class has finished. Its sort of like when you're reading a really good book and dont want it to are enjoying being in the moment.
    Lucky a lot of us have blogs and can keep up with other.
    I received my Quilting Arts yesterday too and was excited to see your beautiful embroidered bee in Jude's beautiful.

    Jacky xox

  4. Jacky, yes I am sad about the class being over has been a great I have to consolidate all that I've learned...started a new beast (another nurse!)...I love putting them they slowly take shape.

    My little embroidered bee (and I) feel so honored to be in Jude's article...she is very very kind and generous.

    And I too am glad to have this blogging world full of new friends. Thanks Jacky!

  5. Amarillis belladona or naked ladies usually appears two weeks before the autumn rains and the colour deepens with falling temperature.

    Thank ror your comment and making me aware that somewhere on my blog I misspelled Cristo and I'm dashed if I can find where. Do you happen to remember in which post it was? I would be ever so grateful as I really would like to change it back to my original spelling before I became insecure and popped in the extra 'h'.
