Monday, October 11, 2010

Moving through reality.

Here is Agnes deciding to go home with me rather than with the group of less shaggy dogs who are more or less in her size range.   Since this picture was taken some of her hair was shaved off to help with a skin problem.  She asked me not to include a picture of that.

This is a small cloth I started when it looked like my beautiful sunflower was not going to last very long, due to the sly, cheeky squirrel.  (I was right.)  But it's been fun working on this...the base is made of silk batting with a layer of gauze on top.  I've been incorporating ideas from Jude's workshops. There's a long way to go still.

This is the sunflower now.  Sigh.  That's Molly the dove in the background.

It's a long story, but before my return to sewing, I spent many years creating images on the computer. They turned into a series that revolved around a horse character, O.P. (Opie)  I used to sell them at Farmers' Markets, but not lately.  SO!  I'm going to try putting some of them in the Mostly Threads Shop. Perhaps the Nurse Series will also become cards.  We'll see how it goes, but here's a picture of the first one, in its cellophane package; it's in the shop.


  1. Well, the cloth is a lovely way to preserve the memory of that glorious sunflower, before the naughty squirrel got his hands on it...

  2. i like the idea of using the images somehow.
    your sunflower piece is just beautiful

  3. Yes...another one of the peaceful benefits of stitchery...I might put a little squirrel on there somehow, just to keep the story whole. Thanks, Karen.

  4. Hi Jude...thank was you who introduced me to that silk batting and it is delicious to embroider on, especially with the gauze on makes a soft little sigh as the needle goes through. I'm definitely pondering the thought of using the images somehow, somehow. Lots of ideas but I'd like to be practical too.

  5. I want to apologize dear readers for the fact that I can't reply directly under the comment that my reply belongs with...blogger/blogspot has some odd sort of logic which prevents it.

  6. Those darn squirrels! :) Your stitched sunflower will brighten a rainy day!

  7. Hi Deb...that squirrel has been keeping a very low profile ever since the last blossom disappeared. It's an interesting puzzle to figure out how to do better next year...

  8. well, with my quirky little mind, i like
    the present state of the sunflower. still
    holding firm, straight/tall....not quitting.

  9. It's true, that's a good point. There's something staunch about it...holding its own. There's one little blossom on the side of the stalk left, but it seems to be stuck at the same growth. Life is so full of curiosities. Thanks for stopping by Grace...

  10. Beautiful way to honour your sunflower Suzanna! Gilly

  11. Beautifully stitched sunflower piece. I hope you do add a squirrel - he's an important part of the story.

  12. Yes, and maybe it could act like a sort of bribe so that next year they he (they) will let ME harvest the seeds! Not very likely, but still. Thanks for visiting Penny.

  13. suzanna, i have grown so many sunflowers
    here and am never the one to harvest. now,
    i just know that and am peacefull with it.
    and yes. that's the word.
    staunch. staunch. i like it. a word one
    of the nurses would portray.

  14. Oh! I'm glad to know this is a common peril, Grace...thank you for that info! I know it is worth it to grow them anyway, since they're so beautiful. Are yours taken by squirrels? And soon I hope to add a little information about the Off-Duty Nurse...just a small detail. Meanwhile I've been pondering your question Why Nurses? It must be because this past year has included dealing with some health issues (cataracts, hip, diet) and that has led to encounters with actually many nurses. I don't know why it has taken me so long to figure this out!

  15. So good of you to put your sunflower in stiches now you can always see it.

  16. It's true Sandra...I've really enjoyed working on this piece...all that remains to do is the squirrel somehow...
