Sunday, June 21, 2020

Day 3

Hello everyone!  Today's offering is from our walks around the neighborhood.  The garden colors are so vivid this year, due to the late rains and probably the decrease in vehicle traffic.  Now that we are slowly "opening", the traffic has increased, but the colors are still intense.  So here is the Jacaranda tree and you can see how it sheds a purple carpet around itself.  

The other day I saw an odd shape on the ground.  It looked like a crab and then when I looked up into the tree I saw another hanging off a branch; it looks like each clump of flowers produces one of these pods:
It's about 2" long and quite hard.

Then today,  walking in the opposite direction, I found another pod that was slightly open.  And inside were:
what look like teeth, but I think they are what hold the seeds in until the pod opens and casts the seeds about.  I am missing part of the process here and have to be more vigilant to discover an unopened pod.  Or perhaps some seeds.  I would like to grow a jacaranda tree.  But in the meantime I am working on fixing my little shop up so as to offer some home-made items to you all.  There is an abundance of them here in my studio, which I will show you, but right now it's time for dinner and a walk to the post-office with the dogs.  Alice is visiting!
It should be noted, although you've probably figured it out, that I was the only one enthusiastic about this photo.  The girls are working things out and there was a bit of growling.  Well, that's all for now, off we go...


  1. HI !!! Suzanna, great to see you back ;-)
    Someone was just stitching a Jacaranda tree (in a workshop I'm in: Stitch Club, textile and it looks tropical to me hahaha Wishing you luck with growing one ! (Jays are often "planting" acorns in our garden ... one became a tree !) LOVELY little blue pieces you made ! Love, Els

    1. Hi Els! A year and a half later I glance at my neglected blog and notice your reply! Thank you! I'm hoping to make a new post soon. Fingers crossed. Love, Suzanna

  2. I loved jacaranda trees as a child growing up in Melbourne. My cousins and I made turtles out of the seed pods, fairies out of the flowers and put them on our fingers as 'gloves'. I hope you can grow one!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I have just discovered this note from you! My jacaranda project has yet to happen, but my lemon tree has benefitted from attention and now there are more lemons than I can make use of. Soon to be writing more. I hope you're well. Love, Suzanna

  3. lovely post, full of positivity

    1. Thank you Saskia! And apologies for taking a year and a half to reply. I hope to post more soon. Love, Suzanna
