Sunday, September 25, 2011

Change and hope

Hello everyone...I'm up on the northern coast for my 5th annual work retreat with my friends, but this is our last day, sigh...

Some highlights:
The week before I arrived was very emotional...a memorial of an old dear friend; dawning of awareness of changes that have occurred over the last 20 years. 

Someone shed an old skin:

I made a little movie of Overwhelm>Hope.  Be sure to stay until the end (47 seconds)

 Here are some grasses for Grace

I'm not sure who lives here:

But here are the cormorants perched for the night:

Seals, basking in the fog:

Oyster catcher (red beak, PINK legs) and whimbrel:

And finally, a hand-pieced (thanks to Jude for how-to) pillow cover for a new baby:

That's all for now...happy autumn to all...xoxo, S.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Spider Time

Hello's the season for big spiders in my garden.  This year I've made an effort to train them not to attach the "guide lines" to my car, so we can live in harmony and I won't be ruining their intricate weavings when I get into the car.  I study the web, speak to its maker and gently remove the guide line so it can attach to the persimmon tree...this disrupts the positioning of the web, but doesn't spoil the weaving.  I had to do this several mornings before they got the idea, but for the past several mornings, the webs have not been attached to the car.  This is Hazel:

There are 2 webs here...they're woven at angles to one another, so that if a creature flies between them, it will very likely get caught...I don't know if the same spider built both of them...I've seen them compete over territory...I hope you can see both is in the front, the other is in the upper left corner, and has an occupant (Ginny).

Next up is a felted trout, reminiscing about my Idaho trip:

A moose:

and a work horse:

Fall is right around the corner, but it so many ways it's already here.  That's all for now...